Ministries Youth

Youth Ministry

Our Mission

Our Youth Ministry exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God the Father.

As defined by Jesus Himself, a disciple is one who (1) knows and follows Jesus, (2) is being changed by Jesus, and (3) is committed to the mission of Jesus (Matthew 4:19).

Our goal is to begin this process with students, or pick them up wherever they are on their faith-journey, and push them forward in spiritual growth. 


Keep up with our weekly events by following us on social media or fill out a consent form to have your email added to our weekly email list. 

EBC Facebook                        EBC Instagram

 Click this image to learn more and sign up for any events or retreats! 

Retreats Events Trips


Are you in High School?

Sr. High Youth Group is for all high schoolers in grade 9-12.    Thursday's from 6:30-8:30 

CLICK HERE to go to our Sr. High Page

senior high consent form


Are you in middle School?

Jr. High Youth Group is for all students in grade 6-8.    Tuesday's from 6:30-8:30

CLICK HERE to go to our Jr. High Page

consent form

Interested in a week of fun for Gr. 6-8? Check out our Teen Day Camp Page Here!             

Bible Reading is the Fuel for our Joy, our Faith and our Obedience


Here is the Bible Plan that Pastor Mitch is doing along with some youth and parents

Check it out and jump on board with us! 

This plan can be completed in just 10 minutes a day but I'd encourage you to read slowly, take notes and pray through what you're reading. Pray that God would open your eyes to see and your heart to experience the glory and richness of all that his word has for us. 

Here is a 5 day Bible Reading Plan. This is a great plan to see how different texts relate and get's through the whole bible in a year. Having the weekend off allows you to catch up or read additional passages or books. 


Parent resources

Mom, Dad, legal guardian - you are the primary spiritual leader in the life of your teen. And it's so important, especially in times of crisis, that you lead well. Your kids need to see and imitate your faith. This is a great responsibility and privilege, but it can be a daunting task. We're here to help. We've made a page of some of our favourite resources. Check them out, share them with others, use them for your own benefit and be assured our prayers are backing you as you continue to care for your teens. 

man teaching a group of children